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What is the back electromotive force(back EMF) of a motor?

Back electromotive force (back EMF) is the voltage generated in an electric motor due to the motion of the armature within a magnetic field. This induced voltage opposes the applied voltage that powers the motor, hence the name "back" EMF.

Key Points:

  1. Generation: When the motor's armature rotates, it cuts through magnetic lines of force, inducing a voltage according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. This induced voltage acts in the opposite direction to the applied voltage.

  2. Function: The back EMF plays a crucial role in regulating the motor's current. As the motor speeds up, the back EMF increases, which reduces the net voltage across the armature and consequently limits the current drawn from the power supply.

  3. Impact on Efficiency: The presence of back EMF allows motors to operate more efficiently by reducing excessive current draw during normal operation. It also provides a means to estimate motor speed since back EMF is proportional to the rotational speed of the armature.

  4. Operational Characteristics: At startup, when the motor is not yet turning, there is no back EMF, and thus it draws maximum current. As it accelerates, back EMF increases, which helps stabilize current and power consumption.

  5. Applications: Understanding back EMF is essential for designing motor control systems, as it can be used for feedback in speed control applications.

In summary, back EMF is a fundamental characteristic of electric motors that influences their performance, efficiency, and operational stability.


The efficiency of electric motors is significantly influenced by various factors, including back electromotive force (back EMF). Here’s how back EMF and other factors impact motor efficiency:

1. Role of Back EMF

  • Current Limitation: Back EMF opposes the applied voltage in a motor. As the motor speeds up, back EMF increases, which reduces the net voltage across the motor windings. This results in a decrease in the armature current drawn from the power supply. Lower current means reduced losses due to heat, thus improving efficiency.

  • Stability: A higher back EMF at increased speeds helps stabilize the motor's operation by preventing excessive current draw, which can lead to overheating and inefficiencies.

2. Losses in Electric Motors

  • Copper Losses: These are caused by the resistance of the windings (I²R losses). When back EMF is high, the current is lower, thus reducing copper losses and improving efficiency.

  • Core Losses: These include hysteresis and eddy current losses in the iron core of the motor. While these losses are somewhat independent of back EMF, they contribute to overall inefficiency.

  • Mechanical Losses: Friction and windage losses from bearings and cooling fans also affect efficiency. A well-designed motor will minimize these losses.

3. Temperature Effects

  • Operating Temperature: Increased operating temperatures can reduce motor efficiency. For every 10°C rise in temperature, the life expectancy of insulation can be halved, which can lead to increased resistance and further losses.

4. Impedance Unbalance

  • An imbalance in phase impedances can lead to increased heating and reduced torque production. This can significantly impact efficiency; for instance, a 3.5% impedance unbalance could reduce a motor's efficiency by several percentage points.

5. Design Considerations

  • Motors designed for higher efficiency often incorporate better materials (like high-quality steel for cores) and optimized winding configurations that minimize losses and maximize performance.


In summary, back EMF plays a crucial role in enhancing motor efficiency by limiting current draw during operation and stabilizing performance. Understanding and optimizing all factors affecting motor efficiency—such as design, material quality, and operating conditions—are essential for achieving optimal performance in electric motors.

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